Thursday, June 23, 2011

About Computers

About Computers Knowledge Base

The computer is a machine that is often used in human work lately. Along with the human needs that need efisiensitas in effectiveness in the work. In the computer implementation is very media that is in need. and of course we have to know some additional hardware components in komputer.Diantaranya are: 1.Mainboard 2.Processor 3.Ram/Memory 4.Harddrive 5.DVD/CD Drive 6.Casing 7.Sound Card 8.VGA Card 9.Lan Card 10. Key Board & Mouse 11.Printer 12.Speaker

     is the hardware (hardware) that has a function as a distributor and the regulator between the processor with other devices, such as Ram / memory, Lan Card, VGA Card, Sound Card, Speaker, USB or Flash Disk, Hard Drive and Printers.
At first mainboard consists of several slots. however, along with the mainboard in its development efficiency by bringing together for the VGA cards, sound cards, and Lan Card together with the mainboard is commonly known by the name mainboard onboard. however, there are still places available slots to be used. to set the bios on the mainboard. then, the user can set the hardware interface you want to use.

   A device that can perform a number of process flow can then be send to some hardware that has grooves that process.

At first processor using type vacuum tube. berburntuk like a vacuum machine and engine box.

Provider processor also now more advanced and rapidly. almost every year, the latest processor out on the market. beginning of the computer I get to pentuim Pentium IV. not only the intel corp that continuously improve the quality of the processor, AMD corp was keen to improve its quality. Here are the products based on chipsets and typenya interl: 1. Intel Pentium I 2.Intel Pentium II 3.Intel Pentium III 4.Intel Pentium IV 5.Intel Pentium Core Duo 6.Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 7.Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo Squad 8.Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo Extreme 9.Intel Pentuim I3 10.Intel Pentium I4 11.Intel Pentium I5 12. Intel Pentium I6 13.Intel Pentium I7

Processor is generally box-shaped. and there is a chip of copper precious slots, as a liaison between the processor with the motherboard. Processor is the core of the computer brain. meaning as the central unit.

3. Ram / Memory

As if it aids in the command processor. and as a reminder of the execution process will be undertaken by the processor. Memory development also follows the mainboard. because the slot mainboard must be in accordance with the Ram to be installed. because if any, there will be dumping. The following are the kinds of Ram on typenya. a. Type ====> Ram SDRAM Motherboard support Intel Pentium I, II, III b. DDR Ram Type I ======> motherboard supports Intel Pentium IV c. DDR Ram Type II ======> LGA Motherboard support Intel Pentium, Core Duo, Core 2 Duo and so on. d.Type Ram DDR III ======> I3 intel motherboard support and so on.


4. Hard Drive

As Media Storage Operaating system, data, files and others. hard drives generally follow the development of the processor, mainboard and software. when pentium 1, the beginning of the Hard Drive in introduced, has a capacity of only 4 GB. because there are no operating system. and only use under dos. such as the display mode mainboar bios.

Hard Disk Storage Meida is being developed by several companies. such as Samsung, Maxtor and others. Hard disk storage pu now have two types: 1. Type ATA hard disk 2. Type Sata Hard DiSK.

5.CD or DVD Drive

    Is a tool to transfer data without a network cable uses the same but using a CD or DVD. This device is an outgrowth of drive.CD floppy or DVD drive in the slot pair in the existing data on the mainboard. and CD and DVD based system works divided into two:
A.DVD / CD Room

A.DVD / CD Room
    This device can only read data from a CD or DVD.
    These devices can read and transfer the data into a CD or DVD.

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